Are Pakistan and Turkey Allies?

by Rocio Garcia


The relationships between Pakistan and Turkey were shaped in the frame of both ally and the brotherhood when it was founded as an independent country on 14 August 1947. The independence of Pakistan was celebrated with various cultural events to make deeper relationships during the 70th anniversary in 2017. 

The support of subcontinent muslims to our Independence War take a different place in our minds. Also, the struggle of independence and the effort of founding a modern state was inspired by the folk of Pakistan. 

After the foundation of Pakistan, high level visits have been setted into alliance relationships between two countries and the backups against the hardest times such as natural disasters provided to solidify the relationship in the level of people. Within the mechanism named ‘’ High Level Cooperation Council’’ in 2009 and then renamed as High Level Strategic Cooperation Council, the relationship was met as a corporate progress. The 5th meeting of the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council was arranged with the attendance of the Pakistanian president at that time whose name is Muhammed Navaz Sharif in Ankara. 

There are more than sixty (60) papers which are signed with Pakistan in the frame of HLSCC. These papers –signed in various fields- reflect the mutual will in the perspective of developing more corporate and stronger relationships among the countries.

Additionally, both countries keep supporting each other on international platforms. 

High level mutual visits also contribute great progress between Turkey and Pakistan. In this frame, The president of the Republic of Turkey officially visited Pakistan on 16 – 17 November 2016. Memnun Huseyin – whom he was the president of Pakistan at that time- attended the commencement ceremony of the president of Turkey arranged on 9 July 2018. Besides, Arif Alvi joined the opening of the new International Istanbul Airport on 29 October 2018 when the time was also ‘’the Declaration of the Republic’’. 

At the same time, Imran Khan officially visited Turkey with the invitation of Erdogan on 3 – 4 2019. During the visit, two countries decided to make ‘’Strategic Economic Framework’’ for progressing economical and commercial relationships. 

On the other hand, Foreign Affairs of Turkey visited to Pakistan in 13 – 14 September in 2011

Good dialogues between countries cause strong trade relationships not only as governmental attempts but also individual purposes. Nowadays, two countries’ people make investments for both living and business. As a featured city, the most interesting living space takes a step forward as Istanbul so purchasing a property for sale in Istanbul has been seen as one of the most profitable investment models. Beside getting profit, due to being an ideal living center, the market of real estate in Istanbul gets bigger in time. On this issue, investing in an apartment in Istanbul is spotted with good rental and sales incomes. 


Banco Provincia 29
Boca 27
River 22 **
Gimnasia 21 **
San Lorenzo 21 ***
Vélez 19 *
Estudiantes 18 **
Ciudad 15
Ferro 13
UNLaM 12
Argentino de Castelar 8
Sholem 4
Lomas de Zamora 0

* Uno por cada partido que debe

Resultados anteriores

Fecha 10
Sholem – Vélez 0-3 (16-25, 20-25, 16-25)
Argentino de Castelar – Boca 0-3 (15-25, 13-25, 19-25)
Lomas de Zamora – Ciudad 1-3 (17-25, 1325, 28-26, 12-25)
UNLaM – Banco Provincia 1-3 (27-29, 20-25, 28-26, 20-25)
MUPOL – Ferro 1-3 (25-27, 25-23, 19-25, 21-25)
6/10: Estudiantes – San Lorenzo
12/10: Gimnasia – River

Fecha 9
Banco Provincia – Lomas de Zamora 3-0 (25-15, 25-16, 25-13)
Boca –  Vélez 3-0 (25-15, 25-18, 25-16) Ver comentario
San Lorenzo – Argentino de Castelar 3-0 (28-26, 26-24, 25-10)
Ciudad – Gimnasia 3-0 (25-22, 25-23, 25-22)
Ferro – UNLaM 2-3 (25-23, 12-25, 28-26, 18-25, 6-15)
MUPOL – Sholem 3-0 (25-15, 25-16, 25-22)
3/10: River – Estudiantes

Fecha 8
Sholem – Boca 0-3 (12-25, 18-25, 13-25)
Argentino de Castelar – River 1-3 (25-22, 15-25, 14-25, 24-26)
Estudiantes – Ciudad 3-0 (25-17, 25-20, 25-15)
Lomas de Zamora – Ferro 0-3 (19-25, 21-25, 16-25)
Gimnasia – Banco Provincia 0-3 (22-25, 18-25, 19-25)
UNLaM – MUPOL 3-0 (25-22, 26-24, 25-22)
1/11: Vélez – San Lorenzo

Fecha 7
Banco Provincia – Estudiantes 3-0 (25-10, 25-21, 25-19)
San Lorenzo – Boca 3-0 (25-21, 25-21, 26-24)
River – Vélez 3-0 (25-21, 26-24, 25-22)
Ciudad – Argentino de Castelar 3-0 (25-20, 25-23, 27-25)
Ferro – Gimnasia 1-3 (25-16, 21-25, 11-25, 18-25)
UNLaM – Sholem 3-2 (25-16, 25-14, 18-25, 22-25, 17-15)
MUPOL – Lomas de Zamora 3-0 (25-22, 25-22, 25-14)

Fecha 6
Sholem – San Lorenzo 0-3 (20-25, 23-25, 23-25)
Boca – River 3-2 (25-16, 14-25, 25-17, 18-25, 15-13)
Gimnasia – MUPOL 3-1 (25-14, 25-20, 21-25, 25-12)
Lomas de Zamora – UNLaM 1-3 (18-25, 15-25, 25-22, 11-25)
Vélez – Ciudad 3-0 (20-25, 23-25, 23-25)
Estudiantes – Ferro 3-0 (25-15, 25-14, 25-18)
Argentino de Castelar – Banco Provincia 0-3 (17-25, 9-25, 30-32)

Fecha 5
Ciudad – Boca 0-3 (21-25, 19-25, 28-30)
Ferro – Argentino de Castelar 3-1 (16-25, 25-20, 25-15, 25-19)
Lomas de Zamora – Sholem 0-3 (21-25, 23-25, 26-28)
MUPOL – Estudiantes 1-3 (18-25, 25-20, 22-25, 17-25)
River – San Lorenzo 3-0  (26-24, 25-16, 25-22)
UNLaM – Gimnasia 0-3 (23-25, 18-25, 14-25)
Banco Provincia – Vélez 3-1 (25-19, 27-29, 25-17, 25-15)

Fecha 4
Gimnasia – Lomas de Zamora 3-0 (25-16, 25-14, 25-22)
Sholem – River 0-3 (13-25, 12-25, 12-25)
Argentino de Castelar – MUPOL 3-1 (25-15, 25-20, 23-25, 27-25)
Boca – Banco Provincia 2-3 (25-19, 21-25, 25-15, 25-27, 9-15)
Estudiantes – UNLaM 3-0 (25-14, 25-18, 25-17)
Vélez – Ferro 3-0 (25-18, 25-13, 25-17) Ver comentario
San Lorenzo – Ciudad 3-1 (26-24, 23-25, 25-9, 25-18)

Fecha 3
Ferro – Boca 0-3 (18-25, 17-25, 16-25)
Gimnasia – Sholem 3-0 (25-14, 25-14, 25-17)
Lomas de Zamora – Estudiantes 0-3 (10-25, 12-25, 22-25)
MUPOL – Vélez 0-3 (16-25, 22-25, 20-25)
UNLaM – Argentino de Castelar 3-2 (25-20, 25-18, 19-25, 22-25, 15-10)
Ciudad – River 0-3 (17-25, 22-25, 23-25)
Banco Provincia – San Lorenzo 1-3 (25-27, 25-23, 21-25, 24-26)

Fecha 2
Sholem – Ciudad 1-3 (25-23, 19-25, 15-25, 23-25)
Vélez – UNLaM 3-0 (25-14, 25-18, 25-16)
River – Banco Provincia 1-3 (22-25, 31-29, 19-25, 24-26)
San Lorenzo
– Ferro 3-0 (25-20, 25-19, 25-15)
Argentino de Castelar – Lomas de Zamora 3-0 (25-17, 25-21, 25-17)
Boca – MUPOL 3-0 (25-11, 25-18, 25-14)
Estudiantes – Gimnasia 1-3 (25-23, 19-25, 15-25, 23-25)

Fecha 1
Banco Provincia – Ciudad 3-0 (25-12, 25-11, 25-23)
MUPOL – San Lorenzo 0-3 (14-25, 21-25, 22-25)
Ferro – River 0-3 (18-25, 17-25, 22-25)
Gimnasia – Argentino de Castelar 3-0 (25-14, 25-20, 25-15)
Estudiantes – Sholem 3-1 (25-15, 25-15, 24-26, 25-8)
UNLaM – Boca 0-3 (14-25, 21-25, 22-25)
Lomas de Zamora – Vélez 0-3




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